How to organize a baby shower at home?

Casandra Greer
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A baby shower is definitely one of the most enjoyable events we can attend. This is when we celebrate the miracle of birth with our loved ones. This is the perfect opportunity for the mother-to-be to feel special and be the guest of honor at an event created especially for her. 

Baby shower, also known as stork shower, is becoming increasingly popular in our country, although until a few years ago almost no one held it. Here’s a quick guide on how to hold a baby shower at home without stress and pressure.

What is a baby shower?

It’s a party that came to us from the United States and seems to have made its home in Poland for good. It is an opportunity to celebrate the pregnancy of our daughter, friend, cousin or close colleague in the company of loved ones. Importantly, the event, although prepared for the mother-to-be, is not organized by her. All preparations rest on the shoulders of the other participants or organizers, while she is the guest of honor, with whom we can possibly agree on a list of preferred guests, the date, as well as a list of potential gifts.

There is also the option of making the baby shower a surprise party, about which the pregnant woman learns only at the time of attending. Then all the details are best worked out with the dad-to-be.

Baby shower at home

Of course, a baby shower, like any party, can be held in a rented venue, hall or plot, however, especially during the cold months, we encourage you to think about the home option. It will be convenient for both us and the mother-to-be, who will be able to easily use the toilet or lie down for a while and rest at any time. When we decide to have a baby shower at the home of the mother-to-be, we will also save her the additional stress of getting there or transporting the gifts received during the party.

Fine-tune your guest list and budget

The guest list, as well as the budget you will have at your disposal, will prove crucial during the preparations. With a clearly defined contribution amount, you will know what decorations, snacks or gifts you can ultimately afford as the main organizer. You’ll also find out if there will be someone to support you in your efforts. When you want to organize the event “at cost”, you can offer a contribution for a gift for the mother-to-be and the baby, and ask guests to bring sweets or snacks.

Elements you can’t forget

Decorations and souvenirs

A few days before the party, think about decorations tailored to the preferences of the mother-to-be, as well as the projected gender of the baby. At this point you can also include various kinds of markers that you can later use for souvenir photos. Creating such photographic souvenirs is sure to be a pleasant surprise for each participant, and all you need is a camera and some photobooth gadgets.

Organization of time, games, gift

It is worth thinking about creating a few games to fill the time of the party. Among the most popular are all sorts of quizzes, tests of knowledge of fairy tales or children’s songs, a contest to quickly dress up a child (here a doll), guessing the taste of food from children’s jars or a test of knowledge about newborns. When it comes to a gift, the simplest solutions are the best, so you can simply ask what else the parents-to-be need and get them just that.

main photo: Kampus Production

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