Tag - party at home

How to organize a baby shower at home?
How to organize a baby shower at home?

Your sister, cousin or friend is pregnant and you want to organize a baby shower for her? We suggest how to create an unforgettable party at home!

Camera with photo printing function – a functional gadget
Camera with photo printing function – a functional gadget

An interesting and functional gadget? Check out the camera with photo printing function!

How to organize the perfect house party?
How to organize the perfect house party?

A party does not always have to take place in a club. Also house parties are a very interesting way to meet with friends. Find out how to organize a perfect house party!

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A small Christmas tree at home – 4 inspirations
A small Christmas tree at home – 4 inspirations
If you don't have a lot of space in your home, you have many alternatives to the traditional Christmas tree for the holidays.