Warming Tea Recipes

Casandra Greer
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With oranges, raspberries, apples, spices and with electricity – warming teas are perfect pleasers not only for autumn evenings but also for mornings. We have collected the simplest and tastiest recipes!

Is it worth drinking tea?

There is only one answer to this question – of course, drink it, but in moderation. You should not exceed 5 cups a day. There are plenty of teas to choose from – black, green, red and white – and it’s best to choose leafy teas rather than those in express bags. Teas are also great for people who want to lose weight – unsweetened teas have zero calories.

When it comes to brewing, black and red teas are poured with boiling water, while green and white teas are brewed with water at a temperature of about 80 degrees Celsius.

Each tea has a number of health benefits. Black stimulates, improves blood circulation, protects teeth from decay and works well in case of food poisoning. Green rejuvenates, eliminates free radicals, lowers cholesterol, facilitates fat burning, regulates blood sugar levels and works against atherosclerosis. The red one helps in the fight against excessive weight, cleanses the body, supports liver function and lowers cholesterol levels. White tea refreshes, stimulates and has the strongest antioxidant properties.

Warming tea

In autumn and winter the days are getting shorter and the temperature lower. A cup of hot tea will quickly warm up even the biggest frosty. However, it is worth adding some variety to this drink – just a few ingredients are enough to enjoy a warming tea with a unique flavour.

Tea with orange and cloves

Orange is one of the most popular additions to warming tea. Just pour one slice into the ready brew and you can enjoy the great taste.

Adding cloves is also a great option. However, so that they do not interfere with drinking, you should simply stick them in an orange. This will further enhance its taste and aroma.

>> See also: Healthy sandwiches – what to prepare for breakfast?

Warming up rich tea

Warming tea with lots of additives is very popular, especially in restaurants, cafes and pubs. There’s nothing to stop you from making one at home. The ingredients that should be in a cup are the already mentioned orange with cloves, as well as lemon, apple, cinnamon stick, honey, raspberry syrup and ginger. You can also dip a star of anise.

Be sure to add these goodies in moderation, though – too many spices and fruits will kill the natural flavor of the tea.

Tea with raspberries

Both the leaves of raspberries and the fruits themselves have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and diuretic effects. They also contain a number of vitamins beneficial to our health. To prepare a delicious and warming tea, just add 50 ml of homemade raspberry juice after brewing. The version for those who like it also contains cinnamon, honey and… dried raspberries

Tea with apples and cinnamon

Apples and cinnamon is a combination often used in the kitchen. Many of us have eaten rice with apples and cinnamon more than once. Nothing stands in the way of adding these flavours to tea. To prepare it, you just need apple slices without seeds and a cinnamon stick. Optionally, you can add cloves and aniseed. Then the taste will be more intense

Tea with added percentages

An infusion of black tea, 100 ml of rum and sugar is a recipe for a quick warming tea for adults. Rum has strong warming properties and perfectly enhances the taste of tea, giving it a unique aroma. This mixture will undoubtedly warm up everyone.

Warming green tea

Usually, black tea is the base for warming up infusions. However, there is nothing to stop you from using green tea. What should be added to it? A slice of lime, a spoonful of honey and… a pinch of ginger will be perfect. This combination will certainly find many supporters.

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