What to do to make a Monstera have more holes?

Casandra Greer
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Monstera are the unrivaled queens of our houses and apartments. Their earlier heyday was during the communist era, but they were forgotten for a while. 

Nowadays they appear not only in their natural version. We can easily buy pins, earrings in the fancy shape of their leaves, they also appear as a print on fabrics, accessories and even wallpaper. Their care is relatively simple, but it does not always bring the results we expect in the form of large leaves with characteristic holes.

Monstera pitted without holes?

Sometimes it happens that, despite our efforts, the monstera we own still has full leaves, or only single holes appear. Unfortunately, this is completely normal at first. A characteristic feature of young monstera are full heart-shaped leaves. Only with time do those long-awaited holes appear.

Another of the important factors affecting the appearance and size of the leaves is also adequate access of the plant to the sun. Monstera do not like to stand in the shade, but they also endure sunburn badly. The best position for them will be a place with access to plenty of diffused light. If, despite this, you still do not see the expected results, why not put it closer to the window? However, it will be necessary here to constantly observe the leaves. If they begin to turn bright green or yellow, it can mean burns. Then it will be better if the monstera returns to its former place. 

Through full leaves it tries to “replenish” the missing light reserves, hence the lack of jagged openings. Sometimes a plant simply needs a larger pot to fully develop and develop ornamental leaves. A small one, unfortunately, inhibits development, so that young leaves appear less often, and then we can’t count on holes either. Repotting is best done in the spring. We must also not forget to buy the right soil for the monster, which provides the right nutrients. For better development, the monster should be fertilized in the spring and summer season once every 2 weeks, with fertilizer for monsters or for green plants.

Monstera care

The key to proper care of a monstera is the position it is placed in and watering. Monstera plants love diffused light, so it’s a good idea to place them indoors facing south. Remember, however, that direct sunlight harms it. Interestingly, close observation of the monstera will allow us to determine whether it has the right light conditions. Full leaves, as well as their high position on elongated stems means too little light rays. Then it is worth looking around for a brighter place.

Another important aspect of monstera care is the question of watering it. Monstera are not fond of a lot of water. They also tolerate water standing on a stand or in a casing badly. It is safest to water them once every 1-2 weeks. At that time it is also worth simply checking with your finger in the pot if the soil has dried out. Monstera and its roots cannot tolerate watery and muddy soil, which leads to rotting and eventually death of the plant.

To avoid excessive water collection, it is a good idea to take care of drainage when repotting. For example, you can sprinkle the bottom of the pot with expanded clay. It is also important to pay attention to the number of holes in the pot through which excess water can be drained.

main photo: pexels.com/Huy Phan

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