Tag - self-development

Profile on LinkedIn – how to create it and what to include?
Profile on LinkedIn – how to create it and what to include?

You already know that setting up a profile on LinkedIn is worthwhile, but you’re still hesitant because you’re not sure what it should look like? You’ll find out in our article.

Personal development – where to start changing?
Personal development – where to start changing?

It is said that he who does not develop, goes backwards. In the following article, we outline some simple principles to follow when setting your sights on personal development

How do you motivate yourself to learn? 5 ways
How do you motivate yourself to learn? 5 ways

An important exam is waiting for you? Don’t know how to motivate yourself to study? Check our ways!

How do you improve your confidence?
How do you improve your confidence?

Self-confidence is an extremely important trait, and not many people have it. Read our article and see how you can easily increase it

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Natural remedies for ticks – how to protect yourself?
Worried about ticks? Find out how to deal with them!