What to take on a trip with your dog?

Casandra Greer
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Traveling with your dog can be stressful for both your pooch and you. It is worth making a list of products that you should take with you. This way you and your pet will spend time in a new place in a much better mood

Water and food

Pack food and water for your dog and make sure you measure out enough dry food or have enough wet food with you for the entire trip. A few snacks here and there are fun and motivating for your pooch, but be sure to give your pooch a regular diet to prevent stomach problems. Make regular stops to give your pooch some water and food. You can take a specially designed water bowl with you or just pack regular food and water bowls and throw them in the trunk. You can find different variants on the market, such as silicone containers that take up little space, and if you are going somewhere on a hike with your pet, you can always pack such a bowl in your backpack without taking up valuable space.

Poop bags

Easy to remember, and even easier to forget during the tiring work of last-minute packing. You don’t want to get caught without fecal bags at traffic stops or running to the pet store when you get there. Remember to always clean up after your pooch. No one wants to step in a surprise left behind by your dog. Biodegradable bags are a great solution – clean and green!

Leashes and collars

Even if you’re used to letting your dog off leash, be cautious during rest stops. Be much more careful than sorry and use collars and leashes during road breaks and new areas. There are so many new smells and areas to explore – keep your dog on a leash to avoid problems. It’s also important to make sure your dog has a tag with your name and phone number in case of an emergency

Vaccination certificate and other documents

Prepare accordingly especially in this area and always take your dog’s vaccination certificate with you. This is especially important if you are crossing any international borders while traveling, but whether you are in another province or even a neighboring city, you should have your dog’s papers with you in case of an emergency

First Aid Kit

Whether you want to buy a first aid kit or assemble one yourself, be prepared for bumps, bruises and scrapes that can happen on the road. A first aid kit can come in handy, especially if you’re going on a camping or other outdoor adventure. Make sure you have tweezers to remove ticks or splinters, eye wash, gauze bandages, tape, antiseptic wipes, scissors, and bleeding stopping powder to stop claw bleeding. If you’re going somewhere particularly cold, be sure to bring your dog’s clothes, too. Keep in mind, however, that clothing can cause anxiety in pets, especially fearful ones, and not all breeds can be clothed (it’s not recommended for long-haired dogs, as the coat starts to shed). However, they are invaluable for dogs with arthritis and for breeds with short hair, as these often have no undercoat.


Make the back seat of your car and the floor of any hotel room feel like home by taking your dog’s bed with you on the road. They’ll enjoy smelling the familiar scent, and it will help your dog gain some confidence and a sense of security. This is essential so that they don’t create a new bed out of your friend’s furniture or on fresh, new hotel bedding. It is also especially important to bring your dog’s bed with you if he suffers from arthritis or is experiencing joint or hip discomfort

Calming agents

In addition to your voice and touch, pooches sometimes need a little more help, just like humans do. Consider bringing along some full-spectrum CBD oil, which can help ease your pup’s anxiety on long car rides or when he feels nervous in an unfamiliar place.


Some dogs play in a new place – naturally – so many new smells! Be prepared to reward them for good behavior with a few treats when they come to you when you call them, or just encourage them to relax in the car with something yummy. Don’t forget the toys either – it’s easy to get bored in the back seat. Bring their favorite chew toy to make the trip more enjoyable for your friend.

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