Tag - games

Can a console pad be connected to a computer?
Can a console pad be connected to a computer?

Been a happy console owner for a while now, but wondering if you can connect a pad to your computer? Here’s the answer!

What can you do instead of watching TV?
What can you do instead of watching TV?

For many of us it is a tradition to spend the evening in front of the television. We often watch just anything, programs that do not carry any value. But there is another way. Find out how to organize your time

Best ideas for games with friends
Best ideas for games with friends

Social games will rock any party. Discover the best ideas!

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Automatic or traditional curling iron? Which one to choose?
Automatic or traditional curling iron? Which one to choose?
Dreaming of glamorous, long-lasting curls but don't know which curling iron to choose? Find out how to choose the best curling iron for you!