July in the garden – what do we do?

Casandra Greer
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July is the time when we spend a lot of time in the garden or on the allotment, relaxing with the family or in blissful solitude. Although most gardening work takes place in the spring and autumn season, we can’t complain about a lack of activity on summer days either

Plant care

This month we are mainly concerned with plant care which consists of watering, weeding, fertilizing and pruning. Remove blooms from perennials and roses to make them bloom longer. We especially take care of rose bushes, which need more care during the summer. The soil under the shrubs should be systematically weeded, and flowering roses should be fertilized with a multi-ingredient fertilizer

It is worth knowing that roses do not need to be watered often, but abundantly. If you notice a bloom, cut it off above the first, upper leaf. Remember that fruit trees and bushes need more water in July. We can also take care of pest and disease control among garden plants

Work in the fruit garden

July is the harvesting season for strawberries, strawberries, apricots and cherries. A little later is the harvest of cherries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, and blueberries. During this time you should avoid small fruit and poorer yields. Therefore, it is advisable to water orchard plants regularly. Sometimes, tree branches can break off under the pressure of the fruit. For this reason, it is a good idea to make special supports for the branches

After the harvest is finished, cut back fruit trees of cherries, apple trees, grapes and raspberries. Cherries should be pruned moderately (shorten the top and lighten the branches), while cherries should be pruned more intensively (get rid of old twigs, those hanging down, growing in the middle of the crown, and piled on each other). In the case of apple trees, we remove small, external branches that shade the ripening fruit. In grapevines we cut away summer shoots that do not bear fruit, and those that bear fruit we twist behind the 6th-8th leaf above the fruiting cluster

In mid-July the harvest of strawberries ends, then it is especially important to take care of them. For this purpose we remove the mulch, and then we cut the leaves at a height of 6 cm above the ground. Weed the interrows and water the strawberries. If the soil is not very fertile, it’s worth taking care of fertilizing as well. In case the plants are more than 4 years old, they should be eliminated and leave space for a new crop

In July, we control a pest of apple and pear trees – scab. Spraying is a must if the summer is wet. Scab can cause the emergence of aphids, cotton bollworms and spider mites

Work in the vegetable garden

If July is warm and dry, it is necessary to irrigate crops. Root vegetables, cucurbits, brassicas and beans in particular have a high demand for water. During the summer we should keep a close eye on our crops. Do not ignore the signs of pests, diseases, and nutrient deficiencies in the soil

Cucurbits may develop powdery mildew. Potato blight also affects tomatoes and potatoes. Pay attention to celery because it can be attacked by celery septoria. Other pests that are a nightmare in vegetable gardens are the potato beetle, the redworm, and the carrot fly. It is worth using special measures to keep crops intact. Tomatoes in this period will require large amounts of nitrogen and potassium, which are responsible for the taste and aroma of their fruit.

In July in our vegetable garden you can sow leaf lettuce, radishes, kohlrabi, savoy cabbage, spinach, dill, and late varieties of black radish. We sow seed lings of endive, spinach, Brussels sprouts and fennel grown from seed lings.

July is also the time to harvest herbs. Leaves of oregano, thyme, clary sage, mint, tarragon, and savory should be harvested before the flowering period, because they have the best aroma then. You can also start harvesting early kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes, peas, broad beans and green beans, as well as early varieties of cabbage. We also harvest cucurbit vegetables such as zucchini

Work in the ornamental garden

Swordtails bloom in July. After the flowers bloom you need to cut them off to prevent them from setting fruit, because this can weaken the bulbs. In this month we also divide chinchillas – 2-4 months after flowering – and then transplant them. Divide plants that are at least 3 years old, well-spaced, and that have become too dense

In early July, finish digging up tulip bulbs. We also dig out bulbs and tubers of ixia, ornamental garlic, camassia, narcissus, dogwood, sapphire, ixiolirion, snowdrops and winter lily. We put them in a dry, airy and warm interior, then after 2-3 weeks we clean them and put them in a place where the temperature is about 17-20 degrees Celsius

We also fertilize flowering plants and those that are just beginning to bloom. These include garden dahlias, gladioli, and beaded dahlias. Remove blooms from all ornamental plants to encourage them to produce new shoots.

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