Bedroom in style… vintage!

Casandra Greer
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Bedroom in vintage style is the perfect choice for people who do not like classic arrangements, or austere modern interiors. How to arrange a bedroom in this style?

A few words about vintage style

Vintage style is considered by many people to be the style of artists, because it combines elements from different eras to create a spectacular interior. In this style is combined into one whole seemingly incompatible elements. Thanks to this you can achieve an amazing atmosphere of the interior.

In a room in the style of vintage will not surprise anyone the presence of an armchair earlobe next to a modern sofa or the sight of communist-era sideboards next to a modern table with chairs. In this style, richly decorated lamps and family photographs in decorative frames are used for decoration.

There are no restrictions in Vintage style. When decorating a room should be guided by taste and good taste

The main principle of vintage style – less is more

The unique character of vintage style rooms is determined by the principle of “less is more” – in a small bedroom space do not put too many furniture and accessories – limit yourself to the necessary minimum. This allows you to create a harmonious room, which will not be overwhelmed by too much furniture.

Choose subdued colors

Bedroom decorated in vintage style should be maintained in safe colors that emphasize the nostalgic mood – white, gray, black, brown, beige, bottle green. These colors were dominant in the precursors of vintage style. Different shades of these colors will positively affect the daily rest in the bedroom.

Subdued interior does not mean that you have to completely give up colorful accessories, such as: rugs with geometric patterns or decorative pillows.

Vintage style bedroom

Bedroom is a special place in a house. The comfort of rest depends on how it will be decorated.

Furniture only with finesse

Lightness of furniture is another feature of interiors in Vintage style – thanks to light furniture even a small bedroom will become optically larger and more spacious. Bedroom furniture should be on narrow legs – thanks to that it will seem lighter.

For example, a beautiful metal bed frame perfectly fits the atmosphere of the whole bedroom. The bed is juxtaposed with a patterned carpet and wallpaper. Golden brown and chocolate pillows can complete the look.


The most important element in any bedroom is the bed. It can be

  • metal with a painted frame,
  • wooden,
  • upholstered.

In choosing the right bed for the bedroom it is important whether it will be a background for other elements, or will be the most expressive element of the interior.


Lighting builds mood and atmosphere throughout the bedroom. The right lighting allows you to relax after a hard day. The ideal solution for a vintage style bedroom will be:

  • standing lamps inspired by ArtDeco style,
  • communist-inspired lamps,
  • cast iron chandeliers,
  • lamps with round shades.
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