Tag - home-made cosmetics

How to make a lemon scrub? Homemade
How to make a lemon scrub? Homemade

Homemade lemon scrub is the way to go for healthy, soft and glowing skin. See how to prepare it.

Homemade coffee scrub – how to make it?
Homemade coffee scrub – how to make it?

Coffee peeling removes dead skin, perfectly deals with cellulite, and improves blood microcirculation and skin condition. See how to make it yourself.

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Dog Breeders in Grand Rapids: Finding the Perfect Pup for You
Dog Breeders in Grand Rapids: Finding the Perfect Pup for You
There are tons of dog breeders in Grand Rapids, Michigan to choose from, but not all of them have good reputations or sell healthy animals. It’s important that you find the perfect dog breeder to work with, one who takes pride in their work and genuinely cares about providing you with the best pup possible.